Shipping methods
Autonomous collection is a condition of the transaction, under which the buyer autonomously carries out the transport of the purchased goods. This allows the buyer to choose a more suitable time to collect the goods himself and at the same time save on delivery. This service is very popular and is considered the most affordable. In some cases, withdrawal is considered the best solution.
Most items are in stock and will usually be shipped from our fulfillment center within 2 business days (excluding holidays) and will arrive within 2-7 business days of placing your order. As delivery times vary by destination, a more accurate estimate is provided at checkout.
Note: We do our best to deliver your items on time, but delivery dates are not guaranteed.
MonellaPlus delivers goods to over 100 locations around the world. International orders go through our partners: BRT, GLS, DHL. If you have any questions or need help, our customer support team will be happy to help you by calling +39333333333
GLS Italy offers reliable solutions for the transport of goods in Italy, Europe and around the world. Thanks to its network, GLS Group operates in 45 countries, mainly through local branches, as well as cooperating with other postal services in several countries.
The main advantages of GLS Italy are reliability, quality of service and safety. GLS Italy protects the packages, makes sure that the delivery is made on time. And, of course, it monitors changes in the market, constantly studies it and implements new safety and quality standards.
The company monitors the path of each shipment. Monitor every step of the process with the help of modern computer systems. The tracking number is all you need to know to track the location of your order.
The international carrier, which is part of the Deutsche Post DHL group, is a leader in express delivery. The company is constantly developing, expanding the perimeter of its activities, providing transport services to customers from 220 countries.
Every day 350,000 employees of the company are involved in the provision of high-quality logistics and postal services to its customers. DHL Express online parcel tracking makes working with DHL Express even easier and more convenient. Now you can see for yourself the quality of DHL Express services.
The company is committed to making it as easy as possible for customers to track DHL Express by developing the latest tracking technologies. The system automatically remembers all requests on the DHL Express website, parcel tracking remains even after the purchase is confirmed, so the user can always refer to the history to calculate the exact time of delivery from a particular store through this service . DHL Express has been tracking all orders for several years, the system has undergone several changes and has become more user-friendly. While in any country, you can track your package using the DHL Express service absolutely free of charge. The company has more than 5,000 offices around the world and conducts millions of transactions every day to make online shopping even more accessible and people's lives easier. DHL Express can track your package at any stage of the transport, regardless of the country. Company employees are always ready to advise on sending packages, talk about DHL Express shipments traceability and assist in customs declaration of goods. For all questions, you can contact the support center at any time on the website or by phone. The DHL Express site itself is not limited to tracking of consignments: there you can find many useful tips and tricks for the most beneficial cooperation. DHL Express parcel tracking is done in accordance with all international standards, so that the customer can be sure of the accuracy of the cargo location. DHL Express Tracking is an easy, safe and fast way to track your shipment.